Urban Pilgrims03.28.24 "Warrior Through Weakness(약함으로 온전해지는 철인)." by Doyle Kim (김도일 목사)Why should we become a warrior? The reason is that we are pilgrims in the city, called by God. The Apostle Paul was a man among warriors,...
Urban Pilgrims03.27.24 "Turn Your Battle Story into a Song of Victory(칼날로 철병거를 쓰러뜨린 이야기)." by Sean Moon (문소운 목사)How can a believer grow in one’s faith and stand as a man of faith, “iron man?” People of God grow and get tough by their life tests...
Urban Pilgrims03.26.24 "Are You a Child of God?(당신은 하나님의 자녀입니까?)." By Somyung Lee (이소명 목사)"Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded...
Urban Pilgrims03.25.24 "The Reward of a Warrior is..(철인의 상급은)." by Kevin Lee (케빈리 목사)The theme of the Revival is "iron man". And “iron man“ is most similar to the analogy of “warrior“ in the Bible. So the two words, “iron...